Tri-Technologies promotional pamphlet from 1947.
The contents displayed below. |
Introduction of Tri Techs' history, including discovery of the original technology and its eventual
implementation by Tri Tech founder Horrace Stannum.
In 1947 Tri-Tech made available to the wider public its entire line of M.P.H.H R.A.N.G.E (Multi Purpose Hand Help, Roll and Negate Geared Engineering) technology.
The period of time Tri-Tech took to establish, from a hand held small horsepower appliance (Whizzo) to Industrial instruments (Gyro) capable of 15 to 20 times the work load of equal available apparatus, was a mere 10 years. In terms of advancement in technology. That is the equivalent of producing a Model T Ford in one year, then bringing out, as the next model, a Citroen DS19 (with features like a self-levelling suspension, directional headlights, power brakes and power steering, all controlled by hydraulics). |
In the first three years of production a total of only 35 Re-Evolvers were returned to their manufacturer for repair. An amazing 0.008 failure rate. |
In 1946 the CEO of Saabs newly formed car manufacturing offshoot, Saab Automobile AB, bought a Whizzo Semispere for every employee in that division, citing that it contained"All that was desirable in a machine, socially and ecologically" and " this is what Saab should be seeking: responsible design, efficient execution and the courage to follow these ideals to their completion". It was even rumoured a Semisphere motor was used to drive one of the Ursaab (meaning original Saab) prototypes. |
The Orbi-Sphere caused quite a media sensation when first released, after a student in Japan (using the early 'Spheres' much talked about resonance) had set off the early warning system in the Tokai Nuclear power plant, situated only 110 kilometres from Tokyo.The resulting chaos was described by Tri-Tech spokespersons as 'spectacularly regrettable'
Anyone in doubt as to Tri-Tech's skills as a manufacturer of uniquely high toleranced technology' can learn from experiments at the short lived, almost insolently-named corporation, 'Bi-tech' which was formed with the intention of being in direct competition with Tri-Tech. Attempts were made to reverse-engineer the complex and volatile Revissionex (a decision of poor judgement considering the complexities of both the Gliding Ion power plant and its production as waste of free radical ionic exhaust). This work was done at a factory located in Matovalu, a country consisting of 12 tiny coral atolls, the resulting explosion destroyed 7 of these, and rendered 2 more uninhabitable. |
Advertising for one of the most popular Tri-Tech Whizzos. Over 170,000 were produced in one year. |
This ad appeared in 'Popular Mechanoids Magazine', 1951, showing part of a travelling exhibition entitled 'Machinery as art', a promotional tour that traversed over 17 countries spread out over several years. Interestingly this page includes the first mention of Tri-Technologies true imperator, Tin Pin Toys Incorporated, a company with stakes in entertainment, defence, manufacture, energy, pharmaceutical and agriculture, to name a few.
Re-evolver Blueprints
Tri Tech Industries began a revolutionary culture in consumer goods, which came to be known as 'Technological Transparency'.
Providing full blueprints with all basic model Re -Evolvers, selling spare parts, schematics and full assembly instructions, allowing an entire Re- Evolver to be constructed with little or no prior knowledge of that machine.
When questioned on the potential for copyright infringement of his creation*, owner Howard Stannum simply replied, "Ideas should be freely exchanged, the fact I put mine in a box for sale does not mean others cannot do with it what they will.. "
*See aforementioned BiTech
Such fanciful generosity in the cutthroat world of Industry did little to curtail sales of the Re -Evolver, or any subsequent models either.
Cyclopoid was a bi-pedal M.P.H.H, available ready made or in kit form. Both were exorbitantly expensive and only three were ever constructed. One made by the founding member of Tri-Tech, another by the Indian Government hoping to begin their own automotive industry and a third by a private citizen in Croatia. |
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