Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My optic friend

Card Number 5 in the Popular Mechanoid Premium Swap Card Series

One of Cycloptoids most talked about mysteries is the overwhelming memory capacity provided.  Upon initial inspection  one might assume it is to complement the extremely robust, long life Rev/Rip Hull. But realisation how maintenance-intensive such a heavy duty suit is reawakens the debate immediately. The second justification may arise in the exceptional environments such a machine would find itself. Unmapped, unique, data intensive milieu needing minute clarification, then  classification. A quantum of options to sift and decide, every moment...but.....this observation could all be done on a dinner plate, served up to as many hungry satellite drives as needed. To be digested at leisure by such smaller devices still, and just as accurately as an apparatus so large in quantity, and hungry in power ,that 75% of motivation available is used to simply move this memory around.
And so we arrive back, a little late, slightly thirsty and certainly slighted, to this original quandary... why? Why so much, so long, and at such cost. Certainly a life form with these criteria would not last one generation, before buckling under its own weight, suffocated by its own corpulence. For it is this final, strange blade that cuts past every casual enquiry, and sits quivering inches from Cycloptoids very heart,.. entropy. That strange inevitability that ensures the very state of its organised, regimented memory will secure the eventual flight into chaos, as sure as a stars giant gravity will be the strength behind its collapse.

Surely this was known to the engineers, building essentially into their own creation unnecessary, almost cruel, redundancy. How many Cycloptoids roam now, witness to the wonders of the Universe and time itself, unable to articulate even their own name.

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