Friday, April 5, 2013

Portrait of a robot

The Popular Mechanoids Trading Card Series allowed some robots exposure they would otherwise never have experienced. This manifested in various manner, the most renowned being  Ocular 7 (Red Series Card  Number 742)
 Becoming  Automaton magazine's  Gear of the Year in 1952. Starring lead in the classic film, Attack of Contraptica. Finally, becoming the subject of  avant garde artist Anti-Warp Hol-o-graph's acclaimed 'Fragmentions' series  (sample seen above).
  Ocular 7 went on to blaze a trail of independence for Mechanoids everywhere. The first to patent his own chemical formula, (Silica Eye Lubricant) , the first to own his own electrical sovereignty, and perhaps most significantly, the first licensed mechanoid to register as a free citizen of the Earth. 

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant stuff. You have such a fountain of imagination and a beautiful poetic flow to your narrative. It's a must visit every time you post something new.


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